Beach Ball Job Wheel

If you’re looking for something easy to use as a job chart, here’s the one we use: 
It’s a beach ball job wheel that the children can spin! I traced the bottom of our equipment bucket onto a white piece of construction paper to make a large circle, divided it into eighths, and traced each piece onto a different colored piece of construction paper.  Then I cut the pieces out, and glued them to the circle I had traced on the white piece of construction paper. We laminated the beach ball, and names and labels.  Hopefully, they will last for the entire school year. We used magnets to keep the names and labels on the bulletin board and a thumbtack in the middle of the ball.  I think Velcro would have worked better than magnets though.  The magnets are not very strong, and sometimes fall off.  We may switch to Velcro at some point.

At the beginning of each week, we put the children’s names in the sections in the middle.  Above each section, we have a different job that tells what their job will be for that day.  Everyday we spin the wheel or have a child in the group spin it to see what job they will have on that day.  We have the room supervisors take over the jobs of any child who is on the job wheel, but is not present that day in after school.  If the room supervisors are absent, we ask another child on the job wheel to volunteer to do the job.  We usually have no problem at all having the children do their jobs.  The children enjoy doing them a lot.  Sometimes the children forget to do them, but we try and make a point everyday to remind them that it is their responsibility to look at the job wheel and pay attention when we go over the jobs for that day.  

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